Systems of Support - Blog - Kelowna Christian School
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Systems of Support

Green, Yellow, Red Gradient]

What is the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Model?

A Multi-Tiered System of Supports is an educational framework focused on data-driven decisions where students are supported in academic, social and emotional, behavioural, and sensory domains based on strength and area of need.

The focus in Tier 1 is for the classroom teacher to provide universal/core instruction for all learners. Tier 2 focuses on targeted support or instruction for some students. Tier 3 refers to individualized supports or instruction provided to a few students.

Classroom teachers are responsible for all students within their class. Student Support Services provides support and coordination of support services.

 Tier 1 - Universal Supports 

  • Beneficial for ALL students
  • All students are impacted by the supports and services within the classroom
  • Classroom Teaching is focused on meeting the diverse needs of ALL students
  • Focus on Social-Emotional Supports and Building Relationships
  • General Strategies and Resources
  • Student Support Services personnel support the classroom and/or program as a whole

 Tier 2 - Targeted Services 

  • Targeted to SOME
  • A small group or a few students are supported
  • Strategies may be focused on supporting a small group of students
  • Student Support Teachers may screen and provide support where needed
  • Small group support (within the classroom or in an alternate setting)
  • Intervention may be short-term and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis; achievement of goals within a specific timeframe

Tier 3 - Individual Supports

  • Specific to ONE
  • Services targeted at individual students whose needs extend beyond Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports
  • Specific strategies, resources, and/or equipment
  • Ongoing collaborative team consultation and planning usually required
  • More complex needs or needs in multiple domain areas
  • Long-term supports/goals and Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • Ministry designation and more in-depth assessment needs
  • Student Support Teachers are case managers for students with Tier 3 support needs; oversee the programming and support needs in consultation with the collaborative team


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